NALSA (Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation) Scheme, 2015
1) The Goa Victim Compensation Scheme, 2012
2) The Goa Victim Compensation Scheme, 2015 (First Amendment)
4) Schemes by Woman and Child Development section
5) Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) & Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls - Sabla
NALSA (Legal Services to the Workers in the Unorganized Sectior) Scheme, 2015
1) The Schemes formulated and incorporated in the Rules namely "Goa Building and Other Construction Workers"
2) The Goa Victim Compensation Scheme, 2015 (First Amendment)
NALSA (Child Friendly Legal Services to Children and their Protection) Scheme, 2015
NALSA (Legal Services to the Mentally ill and Mentally Disabled Persons) Scheme, 2015
NALSA (Effective Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Schemes) Scheme, 2015
1) The Details of Schemes implemented by DRDA
2) Details of various Schemes
3) Citizen Charter, 2015
NALSA (Protection and Enforcement of Tribal Rights) Scheme, 2015
NALSA (Legal Services to the Victims of Drug Abuse and Eradication of Drug Menace) Scheme, 2015
NALSA (Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010
Scheme (Para Legal Volunteers)
A Scheme for Disaster Victims
NALSA Legal Aid Clinics Regulations, 2011